Mittwoch, 21. März 2012
Garden & Gun

Das zweitwichtigste Magazin der Welt.

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Montag, 21. März 2011
Gin Spin in Düsseldorf

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Dienstag, 8. März 2011
Menschlich und doch einzigartig


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Donnerstag, 9. September 2010
Blogs waren gestern...

Heute schreibt man auf Papier. - Nr.2 ist da.

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Samstag, 27. März 2010
Just the way we like them

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Montag, 14. September 2009
Eau de Cologne Anglais Rustique - The Sloane Rangers Blog

"So why do some of the upper classes live in what some might think of as squalor?

What's the point in ironing your underclothes?

The truth is they like to be comfortable. What is more comfortable than wearing an old sweater with that special 'eau de cologne Anglais rustique', which is a mixture of damp wool, dog and gun oil - with the odd gravy stain added for good measure.

After all, who wants to take their boots off if they are shortly going back outside - and anyway, what is the point? Why spend hours spraying 'surfaces' with chemicals when there are so many more amusing things to do? Is there any point in ironing your underclothes?

It could be said that the upper classes are highly eco-friendly. They don't hoover very much, hardly ever turn on the washing machine and have the heating on only when it is really very cold.

And, more to the point, where would you rather go for a cup of tea? To Rachel's comfortable messy house or to an immaculate drawing room where you are frightened of leaning back in the chair in case you crush the perfect cushions?

Dirt is a way of life to me and my fellow toffs. It's both comfortable and relaxing. It's medically desirable as you build up resistance to an enormous range of bugs.

You save lots of money as you don't need to buy many clothes, and when you do they last for ever. And it's even environmentally friendly.

A blind eye to the dust on the mantle and the mud on the kitchen floor has served our family well for more than 800 years. Neat freaks be damned, I have no intention of changing those habits of eight centuries. Not now. Not ever."

Read more:

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Sonntag, 16. August 2009
Die Wege des Herrn

Oder praeziser: CT ist gerade in den Vorbereitungen seiner New York Reise, um dort mal nach dem Rechten - moeglicherweise nach der Rechten - zu schaun.

Hollister Hovey ist der Name der Angebeeteten. Man hat sich - wie so oft heute - uebers Netz kennengelernt.

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