Freitag, 26. Februar 2010
Von Berlin nach D'dorf
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert

We 're on the move.
Chelsea Farmer’s Club eröffnet zum 10.4.2010 in Düsseldorf.!/posted.php?id=2434517423&share_id=301901369363&comments=1#s301901369363
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Freitag, 15. Januar 2010
The Windows of CFC
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert

Nicht Lagerfeld, nicht Lindenberg... - Nein, ein anderer grosser Sohn der schoenen Hansestadt. - Unser Schutzheiliger Helmut Schmidt, meine Damen und Herren...!
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Dienstag, 22. Dezember 2009
Happy Holidays!
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert
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Montag, 21. Dezember 2009
Merry Christmas, Friends!
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert
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Dienstag, 8. September 2009
Beim Drucker
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert

Die Essenz aus Mode, Ethnologie, Psychoanalyse, Sexologie, Mechanik und Kueche.
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Samstag, 6. Juni 2009
D-Day Remembrance 2009 - Chelsea Farmers Club korrigiert die Geschichte
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert
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Dienstag, 12. Mai 2009
Schoene Worte grosser Maenner
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert

Ein Gaertner spricht. - Johann W. v. Goethe, wenn wir uns recht erinnern.
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Mittwoch, 8. April 2009
Frohe Ostern!
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert
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Freitag, 3. April 2009
Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil... / Greetings from the cfc Ambassador to the Mediterranean and His Wife
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert

Mit grosser Freude und vorzueglichster Verehrung gratulieren wir der Mutter aller Gesellschaftsclubs - dem grossartigen cfc - zum vierjaehrigen Bestehen.
Wir haben uns erlaubt, diesen denkwuerdigen Anlass bereits am Donnerstag dieser Woche in der Residenz unserer Schwestervereinigung in Madrid zu feiern. Wie immer in Spanien grosszuegig unterstuetzt von Hendricks Gin.
Lieber Christoph, Dear Sisters and Brothers in Love and Crime, herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Jubeltag. - Wir halten die Fahnen hoch. - Hasta la Victoria Siempre.
Es entbieten ihre Gruesse der Botschafter des cfc am Mittelmeer nebst Gemahlin.
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Freitag, 16. Januar 2009
Bye Bye Baby...
chelsea farmer's club - cfc_albert

It’s June 2001.
I’m 22 years old and have been sitting at the intersection of 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., for 15 minutes.
It’s raining, hard. I’m in the first car I’ve ever owned, a navy-blue Jeep Cherokee with more than 200,000 miles on it. There’s less than a quarter tank of gas left and it needs to last until Friday, because my entire net worth is rattling around the sticky change holder next to the emergency brake.
Yesterday the tailgate window mysteriously dislodged itself, and through the rearview mirror I notice rain pouring inside—proof that duct tape can’t solve everything.
I can also hear the front fender rocking back and forth in the back seat. I’ve intended to fix it ever since someone found it on Christmas morning near the 18th green at a country club in Connecticut. I have also intended to cure myself of a propensity for driving my car into stationary objects while intoxicated.
The dashboard clock clicks from 5:58 to 5:59, which means it’s actually 5:46, which means it’s time to leave the intersection of 14th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. I take a deep breath, flick my cigarette out into the rain, and turn left. Toward the east entrance of the White House.
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