Montag, 29. Mai 2006
The Russian Summer Ball

Liebe Freunde,

wir haben Nachricht von David Piper & Viktor Wynd und die Einladung zum Russian Summer Ball am 1. July 2006 in London.

Also, wie immer:

Tickets: £100 (£85 before 1st June)
Dress: White Tie & Decorations (sic.) or Black Tie
Carriages 3.30 a.m.

Please note that there is no admittance without a ticket. Bookings must be
received no later than the 24th
June 2006. Regrettably we are unable to give refunds for cancellations.
The organisers reserve the right to
alter the programme without warning. For dance practices (!!!) and more
information, see

(die vollstaendige Einladung in der comment section)

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Neuwagen der Woche

Auch hierzulande schon extrem vereinzelt gesichtet (eine Freundin in Hamburg faehrt einen).

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